Thursday, April 19, 2012

Part 2 of "Revelations"

    More arrows lit up on the floor as he stepped off the elevator. They pointed to a blank wall. He followed the arrows regardless. As he approached the wall it began to move. Plates of metal were sliding across one another, making  a sharp woosh noise. A door had formed and he walked through it. It was another blank white room except for one wall covered with a mirror. It was the first time he had seen himself. His skin was very pale and shiny. His head was bald and his eyes were a dull blue. He got closer to the mirror. His face was perfectly smooth.
    “Please stand away from the mirror.” He was startled by the voice, it was the first he had heard. It was deep and rough. Just then the mirror began to move as the wall had just moments before. But this time, when the door formed, he saw another man. He was dressed in a white lab coat and dark pants. He had short brown hair, a gray goatee, and glasses. “Hello, Omega 11753.” Omega tried to speak but only a rough croak came out of his mouth. He was embarrassed. “No need to worry,” said the doctor, “you haven’t learned how to properly speak yet. It will all come with time. If you could follow me.” He began to walk and Omega followed him.
    “I’m sure you are very confused right now,” said the doctor as they walked down a long hallway, “I will try to answer some of your questions.” Omega had many questions. “First of all, my name is Dr. Rowling. I will be your mentor for the next few weeks. You are on the Atlas, a space station in the Rayel solar system. The Atlas is a military station based around the process of cloning, you are a clone. You are an Omega model, number 11753. You will be assigned to a team of four other clones, an Alpha, Delta, Kappa, and Rho. That will happen in a few weeks; for now, you will be learning basic physical skills with me. We are coming up on the Nursery. You will stay there until you have learned basic human functions. Usually it takes a week, but there are the occasional ‘star students’”
    The Nursery was a large room with beds separated by flimsy curtains. It was filled with other clones, some had doctors speaking to them and examining their muscles and reflexes, others were by themselves solving puzzles. “This is your bed,” said Dr. Rowling, “I’m going to let you settle in. If you want, you can take off your armor and put on the clothes in the drawers behind you.” Omega noticed a small dresser. “I will be back in an hour to perform some tests.” He began to walk away. “And, Omega,” he stopped and turned around, “I have a good feeling about you.” Omega smiled at him.