Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Project #1 - Music and Poetry

Queensryche – Before The Storm

Red gates of iron cast their
Black shadows on this land
Dividing souls... far below
The gathering winds the armies watch
Are rising from the west
Foretelling news... of freedom's hand
In secrecy they've infiltrated
All of our strongholds
Controlling more... year after year
So we've let this happen all along
Believing what's been said
Our leaders cry... we have no one to fear
We watch the sun rise, and hope
We watch the sun rise, and hope
That it won't be our last
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm
Is it late to try, must we all die
Our system awaits test
Freedom by choice... is it for all men, best
So we wait in fear the atom split
Our hearts in two be torn
Learn from the past... before the storm
We watch the sunrise, and hope
We watch the sunrise, and hope
That it won't be our last
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm

We watch the sunrise, and hope
We watch the sunrise, and hope
That it won't be our last
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm
Before the storm

We Lie In Our Ignorance

We lie in our ignorance.
We grow fat as our enemies grow strong.
We build toys for children,
While they build swords and axes.

I tried to warn them,
But no one wanted to believe.
They are nearly upon us,
And we lie in our ignorance.

The once great king shall soon be
The King of Refuse.
When the truth finally dawns,
It dawns in fire.

Our streets will be filled with soldiers.
Our homes will be filled with the dead.
Yet we still lie in our ignorance.

1 comment:

  1. It is really strong writing. I love the vivid imagery and the lines that are repeated, they really stand out and speak to the reader.
